RPG Poll: What type of supplements?
recent mois, le forum des Ombres d'Esteren propose un petit sondage sur les suppléments préférés des rôlistes.
Plus précisément, le sondage portait d'une part sur le type de supplément, et d'autre part sur le format. Avec quelques 250 réponses, voici quelques tendances :
Avec 32% des suffrages, les suppléments proposant des scénarios remportent la mise . D'une très très courte tête, les participants préfèrent le format papier (26%) au format PDF (25% et seulement un vote de différence !). Dans le numérique, on note un certain intérêt pour les petits PDF supplements, free and regular (23%) compared to PDF containing real books (2%). From this point of view, the paper editions outperform conventional PDF editions (26% against 2%).
supplements devoted to the description of places and NPCs accumulate 14% of the vote, far behind the scenarios (32%). The optional rules bring up the rear with only 1% of the vote.
We have been very responsive to comments from the community on the subject. This survey has also guided the content of recent publications - and those to come - with a dominant scenarios: Red fall in the first issue of Di6dent, The jewel of faith to appear in an upcoming Casus Belli , vengeful words in the future supplement to accompany the soundtrack , publication of the first episode campaign next spring and, more recently, five in the canvas Paper 2 - Travel . However, other types of supplements will not be forgotten and we hope to build, gradually, a rich and full.
Finally, a big thank you to leaders who live the game as many scenarios and canvas in the open access Part of Secrets Forum of Shadows Esteren .
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